Aurora theme has it's own custom Front-Meta properties, they are used to configure specific feature of the theme.
Feature property
feature: true
feature: true
This feature
property will allow the Aurora's engine to find these articles and add them into the feature list or pinned list. Which are used by the Feature Layout or Pinned Layout.
Abstracts property
abstracts: A abstracts of what this article is about.
abstracts: A abstracts of what this article is about.
By default the article's description use the first 140 characters from the content of the article.
This abstracts
property will tell the Aurora's engine what to use as the description of an article. Which is used in the Home page under each article's title. Can set a abstract
for each of your articles.
Custom Containers
All the custom containers use this format:
:::[type] [title]
Text content
:::[type] [title]
Text content
is the type of the container.title
is optional, can use to rename the title of the container.
Tip Container
Normal Tips Container
Normal Tips Container
If you do not want to use the default title TIP
, you can rename your container title by using this:
:::tip Custom header
Custom header
- tips content
- tips new line
:::tip Custom header
Custom header
- tips content
- tips new line
Warning Container
Danger Container
Details Container
This is a special type of container. If you have seem the detail container in GitHub, you could probably guess what it's function is.
Yes you can hide certain content and click to expand it.
:::details Click to see more
Fusce rutrum venenatis eros in hendrerit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam eget risus egestas, aliquet ipsum sed, volutpat tortor. Proin finibus tortor ac mauris finibus rutrum. Nullam tincidunt arcu eu urna ullamcorper, eu ultricies turpis ornare. Morbi id sollicitudin orci. Proin lobortis vehicula nibh a ornare. Cras sodales eu ligula quis fermentum. Proin eu ultrices leo, quis iaculis justo. Sed dictum, nulla sit amet imperdiet commodo, libero sapien semper justo, ut lobortis elit nunc vitae ante. Nullam lobortis odio quam, ac condimentum elit posuere vitae. Sed ornare, odio et rutrum varius, lorem eros gravida urna, in pharetra sapien justo non magna.
- details content
- details new line
console.log('hello world')
:::details Click to see more
Fusce rutrum venenatis eros in hendrerit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam eget risus egestas, aliquet ipsum sed, volutpat tortor. Proin finibus tortor ac mauris finibus rutrum. Nullam tincidunt arcu eu urna ullamcorper, eu ultricies turpis ornare. Morbi id sollicitudin orci. Proin lobortis vehicula nibh a ornare. Cras sodales eu ligula quis fermentum. Proin eu ultrices leo, quis iaculis justo. Sed dictum, nulla sit amet imperdiet commodo, libero sapien semper justo, ut lobortis elit nunc vitae ante. Nullam lobortis odio quam, ac condimentum elit posuere vitae. Sed ornare, odio et rutrum varius, lorem eros gravida urna, in pharetra sapien justo non magna.
- details content
- details new line
console.log('hello world')
Check the preview of all these custom container in my blog{target="_blank"}.